I am very excited about my upcoming show at the Corner Kitchen in Biltmore Forest that showcases my latest series of "tweaked" photographs: "Biltmore - a Modern Twist". I started working on this body of work last year with what started as a "spec" job and turned into a wonderful relationship. I began work on these images knowing that there might be some interest from the Biltmore folks, but also that it was possible that not only would they not be interested in selling the prints, they might not give me the required permission to use them at all. But, alas, all went well and I became a licensed Biltmore artist, which basically means I have their blessing to photograph all of the estate, inside and out, and sell the images wherever I am able. I probably don't have to state the obvious - but I will - the estate is a one of a kind gorgeous place to shoot inside and out, so it is not an unpleasant assignment. The people that I work with in the marketing, PR, retail and licensing department are professional, enthusiastic, and consistently helpful - they have made the whole process a easy one. Being able to walk behind those strongly enforced ropes in the house was fun, I admit - it brought back childhood memories of wanting to break out of those oft required lines the teachers always made us walk in.
What was interesting to me about this series vs. the ones I've created of icons of other towns, is that since the entire house is basically beige, there are hardly any colors to tweak; rather, I have to create them from scratch in Photoshop. The result is a color palate that is different, and more cohesive as a body of work, than the previous series. It is fun to make these whimsical images of such historic icons and architectural accents of the Biltmore Estate. I look forward to continuing the work and creating new images throughout the year.
I will be signing prints on May 20th as part of the grand opening events at the newly opened Antler Hill Village, preceded by a very early TV interview on WLOS the same morning between 7am -8am (no small thing for this other-side-of-the-camera-phobic photographer). The opening will be at the Corner Kitchen (YES, the same place President Obama dined in last weekend!) from 5-6:30 on May 23rd. Come join me for a glass of wine and yummy appetizers if you can.
My next show will be at Asheville Community Theater in July - stay tuned.
Hecho en Slab Fab Studio… Life in retail thus far…
12 years ago
Loooove your color combination's!!!! So very cool!